

A Bibliography of Sign Systems Studies

Sign Systems Studies is the semiotic journal of the Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu, Estonia. It is the longest-running semiotics journal in the world. In broad strokes the material of the journal can be divided into three stages or phases:

  1. Beginning with Juri Lotman's monograph, Лекции по структуральной поэтике (1964), Труды по знаковым системам was in Russian during the Soviet era. Some of the most influential papers have been translated into English over the decades but most of it is still inacessible to non-Russian speakers. The journal was repressed in the 1980s and languished into the earl 1990s, concluding with Juri Lotman's passing. These oldest Russian issues can be found here.
  2. Beginning in 1998, Sign Systems Studies was re-established with an international board of editors, switching to English (with some Russian papers still published every now and then). The issues of the journal from this period can be found online here.
  3. In the third phase of Sign Systems Studies, beginning in 2009, it is fully digitized and each paper is individually available for download from the journal's homepage. It is this phase that I have started mapping because it is easiest to do so. In due time I'll include the earlier English-language phase. The latest issues can be perused here.

The presentation is not ideal, as I would have liked to have links to PDF's in blue and visited links in purple but the style format of the blog does not allow it and my CSS skills are not up to the task. Perhaps it can be solved by copying the bibliography to MS Word but I'm not betting on it.

This is a work in progress. First version: 2020-11-23. Any suggestions as to how to improve it, minimize errors and to add translations not mentioned, see sidebar for contact.

Charles Peirce


  1. Peirce, Charles S. 1931-1994. The Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. [Electronic version (Folio Bound Views); vols. 1–6, Hartshorne, Charles, Weiss, Paul (eds.), 1931–1935; vols. 7–8, Burks, Arthur W. (ed.) 1958.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [In-text references are to CP, followed by volume and paragraph numbers]
  2. Peirce, Charles S. 1977. Semiotics and Significs: The Correspondence Between Charles S. Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby. [Hardwick, Charles S.; Cook, J. (eds.)] Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  3. Peirce, Charles S. 1992-1998. The Essential Peirce. Selected Philosophical Writings. Vol. 1 (1867–1893). [Houser, Nathan; Kloesel, Christian (eds.)] Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. [In-text references are to EP, followed by volume and page numbers.]
  4. Peirce, Charles S. 1982–. Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition. Vols. 1–6 and 8 (of projected 30), Peirce Edition Project. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [In-text references are to W, followed by volume and page numbers.]
  5. Peirce, Charles S. ([1963–1966] 1979). The Charles S. Peirce Papers, 30 reels, 3rd microfilm edition. Cambridge: The Houghton Library, Harvard University, Micro-reproduction Service. [In-text references are to MS].
  6. Peirce, Charles S. 1976. The New Elements of Mathematics, 4 vols., Eisele, Carolyn (ed.). The Hague: Mouton. [In-text references are to NEM]

Juri Lotman


  1. Lotman, Juri 1990. Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture. (Shukman, Ann, trans; Eco, Umberto, introduction.) London, New York: I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd.
    • Uspenskij, B. A.; Ivanov, V. V.; Toporov, V. N.; Pjatigorskij, A. M.; Lotman, J. M. 1998[1973]. Theses on the semiotic study of cultures (as applied to Slavic texts). In: Ülle Pärli (ed.), Theses on the semiotic study of cultures = Kultuurisemiootika teesid = Тезисы к семиотическому изучению культур. Translated by Silvi Salupere. Tartu: University of Tartu, 33-60.
    • – 2013. In: Salupere, Silvi; Peeter Torop and Kalevi Kull (eds.), Beginnings of the semiotics of culture. Tartu Semiotics Library 13. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, 53-77.
      [ESTER] [PDF, 49-73] [JJA] [Google]
    • – 1973. In: Eng, Jan van der; Grygar, Mojmir (eds.), Structure of Texts and Semiotics of Culture. The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1–28.
    • – 1975. In: Sebeok, Thomas A. (ed.), The Tell-Tale Sign: A Survey of Semiotics. Lisse (Netherlands): The Peter de Ridder Press, 57–84.
    • – 1974. Thèses pour l’étude sémiotique des cultures. Sémiotique 81–84: 125–156. [French]
    • – 1979. Tesi per un’analisi semiotica delle culture (in applicazione ai testi slavi). In: Prevignano, Carlo (ed.), La Semiotica nei Paesi Slavi. Programmi, Problemi, Analisi. Milano: Feltrinelli, 194–224. [Italian]
    • – In: Mayenowa, M. R. (ed.) 1973. Semiotyka i struktura tekstu: Studia poświęcone VII Międzynarodowemu kongresowi slawistów. Warszawa. Wrocław: Ossolineum, 9–32. [Polish
    • – 2010. Tezisy k semioticheskomu izucheniyu kuľtur. In: Semiosfera. Sankt-Peterburg: Iskusstvo-SPB, 504–525. [Russian]
    • Lotman, Juri 2005. On the semiosphere. (Clark, Wilma, trans.) Sign Systems Studies 33(1): 215–239.
    • – 1989. The semiosphere. Soviet Psychology 27(1): 40–61.
      [Taylor & Francis] [DOI: 10.2753/RPO1061-0405270140]
      • – 1992. O semiosfere. In: Lotman, J. M. Izbrannyye stat’i, vol. 1. Tallinn: Aleksandra, 11–24. [Russian]
      • – 1992. О семиосфере. In: Лотман, Ю. М., Избранные статьи. Т. 1. Таллинн: Александра, 11–24.
      • – 1984. O semiosfere. Trudy po znakovym sistemam (Sign Systems Studies) 17: 5–23. [Russian]
      • – 1984. О семиосфере. Труды по знаковым системам (Sign Systems Studies) 17: 5-23.
        [PDF, 7-25]
    • Lotman, Juri 2009[1992]. Culture and Explosion. (Clark, Wilma, trans; Grishakova, Marina, ed.) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
    • – 2004. L’explosion et la culture. (Merkoulova, Inna, trans.) Limoges: PULIM. [French]
    • Lotman, Juri 1994. The text within the text. (Leo, Jerry; Mandelker, Amy, trans.) Publications of the Modern Language Association (PMLA) 109(3): 377–384.
      [JSTOR] [JJA] [DOI: 10.2307/463074 ]
    • – 1988. Text within a text. Soviet Psychology 26(3): 32–51.
      [Taylor & Francis] [DOI: 10.2753/RPO1061-0405260332]
    • – 1996. El texto en el texto. La semiosfera. Semiotica de la cultura y del texto [Navarro, Desiderio, trans.] Madrid: Cátedra. [Italian]
    • – 1992[1981] = Текст в тексте. In: Лотман, Юрий. Избранные статьи в трех томах. Том I. Статьи по семиотике и типологий культуры. Tallinn: Aleksandra, 148–160. [Russian]
    • – 2005. Tекст в тексте. Об искусстве. Санкт-Петербург: «Искусство-СПБ», 423–436.
      • – 2009. Tekst v tekste. In: Salupere, Silvi; Torop, Peeter (eds.), Lotman, Juri. Chemu uchatsya ľudi: Stati i zametki. Moskva: Centr knigi VGBIL, 309–331. [Russian]
      • – 2009. Текст в тексте. In: Salupere, Silvi; Torop, Peeter (eds.), Лотман, Юрий, Чему учатся люди: статьи и заметки. Москва: Центр Книги ВГБИЛ им. М. И. Рудомино, 309-331
    • Lotman, Juri 1997. Culture as subject and object of itself. Trames 1(1): 7–16.
      • – 2000[1989]. Kul’tura kak subyekt i sama-sebe obyekt. In: Lotman, J. M., Semiosfera. St. Petersburg: Iskusstvo-Spb, 639–647. [Russian]
      • – 2000[1989]. Культура как субъект и сама-себе объект. In: Лотман, Ю. М., Семиосфера. Санкт-Петербург: Искусство-СПб, 639–647.
    • Lotman, Juri; Uspensky, B. A. 1978. On the semiotic mechanism of culture. (Mihaychuk, George, trans.) New Literary History 9(2): 211–232.
      [JSTOR] [DOI: 10.2307/468571]
    • – 1975. O semiotycznym mechanizmie kultury. In: Janus, Elżbieta; Mayenowa, Maria R. (eds.), Semiotyka kultury. Warszawa: PIW, 177–201. [Polish]
    • – 2000. Sobre el mecanismo semiótico de la cultura. In: Lotman, Iuri M. La Semiosfera III. Semiótica de las artes et de la cultura. (Navarro, Desiderio, ed.) Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 168–193. [Italian]
    • – 2010[1971]. O semioticheskom mekhanizme kuľtury. In: Lotman; Juri. Semiosfera. Sankt-Peterburg: Isskustvo-SPB, 485–503. [Russian]
    • Lotman, Juri; Uspenskij, B. A. 1984. The role of dual models in the dynamics of Russian culture (up to the end of the eighteenth century). (Owen, N. F. C., trans.) In: Shukman, Ann (ed.), The Semiotics of Russian Culture. (Michigan Slavic Contributions 11.) Ann Arbor: Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, 3–35.
      • – 2002[1977]. Rol’ dual’nyh modelej v dinamike russkoj kul’tury (sovmestno s B. A. Uspenskim). Istoriya i tipologiya russkoj kul’tury. St.Petersburg: Iskusstvo-Spb, 88–127. [Russian]
      • – 2002[1977]. Роль дуальных моделей в динамике русской культуры (совместно с Б. А. Успенским). История и типология русской культуры. Санкт-Петербург: «Искусство-СПб», 88–127.
    • Lotman, Juri 1977. The Structure of the Artistic Text. (Lenhoff, Gail; Vroon, Ronald, trans.) (Michigan Slavic Contributions 7.) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures.
      [ESTER] [PDF] [JJA] [Google]
    • – 2006. Kunstilise teksti struktuur. (Tõlkinud Pärt Lias; järelsõna Peeter Torop). Tallinn: Tänapäev. [Estonian]
      [ESTER] [JJA]
    • – 1973. La structure du text artistique. Gallimard: Paris. [French]
    • – 1971. Struktura Khudozhestvennogo Teksta. Структура художественного текста. [Brown University Slavic Reprint IX] (Winner, Thomas, ed.). Providence: Brown University Slavic Series. [Russian/English?]
    • – 1970. Структура художественного текста. Москва: Искусство, 280–289.
    • Lotman, Juri; Uspensky, B. A. 1978. Myth — Name — Culture. Semiotica 22(3): 211-233.
      [De Gruyter] [JJA] [DOI: 10.1515/semi.1978.22.3-4.211]
    • Lotman, Juri; Uspenskii, B. A. 1975. Myth — name — culture. Soviet Studies in Literature: A Journal of Translations 11(2/3, spring/summer): 17–46.
      [Taylor & Francis] [DOI: 10.2753/RSL1061-197511020317]
    • – 2000. Mito, nombre y cultura. In: Lotman, Iuri M. La Semiosfera III. Semiótica de las artes et de la cultura. (Navarro, Desiderio, ed.) Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 143–167. [Italian]
      • – 1973. Mif – imya – kul’tura. Trudy po znakovym sistemam (Sign Systems Studies) 6: 282–303. [Russian]
      • – 1973. Миф - имя - культура. Труды по знаковым системам (Sign Systems Studies) 6: 282-303.
        [PDF, 283-304]
    • Lotman, Juri 1977. Problems in the typology of culture. In: Lucid, Daniel P. (ed.), Soviet Semiotics: An Anthology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 213–221.
    • – 1967. Problèmes de la typologie des cultures. Social Science Information 6(2/3): 27–38. [French]
    • – 1998. Algunas ideas sobre la tipología de las culturas. In: La Semiosfera II. Semiótica de la cultura, del texto, de la conducta y del espacio. (Navarro, Desiderio, ed.) Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 81–92. [Italian]
    • – 2002. К проблеме типологии культуры [K probleme tipologii kul’tury. In: Istorija i tipologija russkoj kul’tury. Sankt-Peterburg: Iskusstvo, 56–63.] [Russian]
    • Lotman, Juri; Pjatigorskij, Alexander M. 1977. Text and function. (Shukman, Ann, trans.) New Literary History 9(2): 233–244.
      [JSTOR] [PDF] [DOI: 10.2307/468572 ]
    • – 1988. Text and function. In: Lucid, Daniel P. (ed.), Soviet Semiotics: An Anthology. (New foreword by T. A. Sebeok.) Baltimore, London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 125–135.
    • – 2010. Tekst ja Funktsioon. Tlk Silvi Salupere. In: Salupere, Silvi (toim.), Kultuuritüpoloogiast. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 86-98. [Estonian]
      [ESTER] [PDF, 86-98] [JJA]
    • – 1969. Le texte et la fonction. Semiotica 1(2): 205–217. [French]
      [De Gruyter] [PDF, 10-22] [DOI: 10.1515/semi.1969.1.2.196]
    • – 1975. Tekst i funkcja. In: Janus, Elżbieta; Mayenowa, Maria R. (eds.) Semiotyka kultury. Warszawa: PIW, 100–113. [Polish]
    • Lotman, Juri 1977/1988. Two models of communication. In: Lucid, Daniel P. (ed.), Soviet Semiotics: An Anthology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 99–101.
    • – 2010. Kahest kommunikatsioonimudelist kultuuri süsteemis. Tlk Tanel Pern. In: Salupere, Silvi (toim.), Kultuuritüpoloogiast. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 127-148. [Estonian]
      [ESTER] [PDF, 127-148] [JJA]
      • – 1973. O dvuh modelyah kommunikatsii v sisteme kul’tury. Trudy po znakovym sistemam (Sign Systems Studies) 6: 227–243. [Russian]
      • – 1973. О двух моделях коммуникации в системе культуры. Труды по знаковым системам (Sign Systems Studies) 6: 227–243.
        [PDF, 228-244]
    • Lotman, Juri 1975. On the metalanguage of a typological description of culture. Semiotica 14(2): 97–123.
      [De Gruyter] [DOI: 10.1515/semi.1975.14.2.97]
      • – 1969. O metayazyke tipologicheskih opisanij kul’tury. Trudy po znakovym sistemam (Sign Systems Studies) 4: 460–477. [Russian]
      • – 1969. О метаязыке типолических оописаннй културы. Труды по знаковым системам (Sign Systems Studies) 4: 460–477.
        [PDF, 460-477]
    • Lotman, Juri 2011. The place of art among other modelling systems. Sign Systems Studies 39(2/3): 249-270.
    • – 1975. Tesi sull “Arte come sistema secondario di modellizzazione”. Semiotica e cultura. Milano-Napoli: Ricciardi, 1–28. [Italian]
    • – 1967. Tezisy k probleme “Isskusstvo v ryadu modeliruyuschih sistem”. Trudy po znakovym sistemam (Sign Systems Studies) 3, 130–145. [Russian]
    • – 1967. Тезисы к проблеме "Искусство в ряду моделирующих систем". Труды по знаковым системам (Sign Systems Studies) 3, 130–145.
      [PDF, 130-145]
    • Lotman, Juri 2012. Text and cultural polyglotism. (Pern, Tanel, trans.) In: International Congress Cultural Polyglotism (to the Anniversary of Juri Lotman’s 90th Birthday. Tartu, February 28 – March 2, 2012). Abstracts. Tartu, 9–14.
    • – 1996. El texto y el poliglotismo de la cultura. In: Lotman, Iuri M. La Semiosfera I. Semiótica de la cultura y del texto. (Navarro, Desiderio, ed.) Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 83–90. [Spanish]
      • – 1992. Tekst i poliglotizm kul’tury. In: Lotman, Juri. Izbrannye stat’i. Vol. 1. Stat’i po semiotike i tipologii kul’tury. Tallinn: Aleksandra, 142–147. [Russian]
      • – 1992. Текст и полиглотизм культуры. In: Лотман, Ю. М. Избранные статьи. Т. 1. Статьи по семиотике и типологии культуры. Таллинн: Александра, 142–147.
    • Lotman, Juri 1976. Semiotics of Cinema. (Suino, Mark E., foreword and trans.) (Michigan Slavic Contributions 5.) Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan.
    • – 2004. Filmisemiootika. Tallinn: Varrak. [Estonian]
      [ESTER] [JJA1] [JJA2]
    • – 1973. Semiotika kino i problemy kinoestetiki. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat. [Russian]
  2. Lotman, Juri 1979. Culture as collective intellect and the problems of artificial intelligence. (Shukman, Ann, trans.) In: O’Toole, Lawrence Michael; Shukman, Ann (eds.), Dramatic Structure: Poetic and Cognitive Semantics. (Russian Poetics in Translation 6.) Oxford: Holdan Books, 84–96.
  3. Lotman, Juri 1977. Primary and secondary communication-modeling systems. In: Lucid, Daniel P. (ed.), Soviet Semiotics: An Anthology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 95–98.
  4. Lotman, Juri 1974. The sign mechanism of culture. (Shukman, Ann, trans.) Semiotica 12(4): 301–305.
    [De Gruyter] [DOI: 10.1515/semi.1974.12.4.301]
  5. Lotman, Juri M.; Uspenskij, Boris A. 2013. Heterogeneity and homogeneity of cultures: Postscriptum to the collective theses. In: Salupere, Silvi; Torop, Peeter; Kull, Kalevi (eds.), Beginnings of the Semiotics of Culture. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, 129–132.
    [PDF, 124-132] [JJA]
    • Lotman, Juri 1991. Technological progress as a problem in the study of culture. (Gomel, Ilana, trans.) Poetics Today 12(4): 781–800.
      [JSTOR] [DOI: 10.2307/1772717 ]
    • – 1991. Technical progress as a cultural problem. Soviet Psychology 29(1): 6–28.
      [Taylor & Francis] [DOI: 10.2753/RPO1061-040529016]
  6. Cited by: Kull 2011; Weible 2013;
    • Lotman, Juri 1985. The problem of artistic space in Gogol’s prose. In: Gogol, Nikolai, Dead Souls: The Reavey Translation, Backgrounds and Sources, Essays in Criticism. Gibian, George (ed.). New York: W.W. Norton, 577–583.
      • – 1992. Problema hudozhestvennogo prostranstva v proze Gogolya. In: Lotman, Juri. Izbrannye stat’i. Vol 1. Stat’i po semiotike i tipologii kul’tury. Tallinn: Aleksandra, 413–447. [Russian]
      • – 1992. Проблема художественного пространства в прозе Гоголя. In: Лотман, Ю. М. Избранные статьи. Т. 1. Статьи по семиотике и типологии культуры. Таллинн: Александра, 413–447.
  7. Lotman, Juri 1979. The origin of plot in the light of typology. (Graffy, Julian, trans.) Poetics Today 1(1/2): 161–184.
    [JSTOR] [DOI: 10.2307/1772046 ]
  8. Lotman, Juri 1977. Problems in the typology of texts. In: Lucid, Daniel P. (ed.), Soviet Semiotics: An Anthology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 119–124.
    • Lotman, Juri 1977. The dynamic model of a semiotic system. (Shukman, Ann, trans.) Semiotica 21(3/4): 193–210.
      [De Gruyter] [PDF] [DOI: 10.1515/semi.1977.21.3-4.193 ]
      • – 2000[1974]. Dinamicheskaya model’ semioticheskoj sistemy. In: Lotman, J. M., Semiosfera. St.Petersburg: Iskusstvo-Spb, 543–556.
      • – 2000[1974] Динамическая модель семиотической системы. In: Лотман, Ю. М., Семиосфера. Санкт-Петербург: Искусство-СПб, 543–556.
    Cited by: Kull 2011; Kim 2014;
  9. Lotman, Juri 1973. Different cultures, different codes. Times Literary Supplement 3736(Oct. 12): 1213–1215.
  10. Lotman, Juri 2013. The Unpredictable Workings of Culture. (Baer, Brian James, trans.; Pilshchikov, Igor; Salupere, Silvi, eds.) Tallinn: TLU Press.
    [ESTER] [JJA]
  11. Lotman, Juri 1975. Notes on the structure of a literary text. Semiotica 15(3): 199–205.
    [De Gruyter] [JJA] [DOI: 10.1515/semi.1975.15.3.199]
  12. Cited by: Kull 2011;
  13. Lotman, Juri 1976. The Discrete Text and the Iconic Text: Remarks on the Structure of Narrative. New Literary History 6(2): 333-338.
    [JSTOR] [JJA] [DOI: 10.2307/468423]
  14. Cited by: Kull 2011;
  15. Lotman, Juri 1988. The semiotics of culture and the concept of a text. Soviet Psychology 26(3): 52–58.
    [Taylor & Francis] [PDF] [JJA] [DOI: 10.2753/RPO1061-0405260352 ]
  16. Cited by: Kull 2011;
  17. Lotman, Juri 1988. Natural environment and information. In: Kull, Kalevi; Tiivel, Toomas (eds.), Lectures in Theoretical Biology. Tallinn: Valgus, 45–47.
    [ESTER] [JJA]
  18. Cited by: Kull 2011;
    • Lotman, Juri 2001. Inimesed ja märgid. Vikerkaar 1: 85-91. [Estonian]
      [online] [JJA]
    • – 1969. Lyudi i znaki [Люди и знаки]. Sovetskaya Estoniya 1.02. [Russian]
  19. Cited by: Portis-Winner 2009;

Ferdinand de Saussure


    • Saussure, Ferdinand de 1959. Course in General Linguistics. [Baskin, Wade trans.] New York: Philosophical Library.
      [ESTER] [Google] [libgen]
    • – 2006. Writings in General Linguistics. Oxford: University Press.
    • – 1983. Course in General Linguistics. [Harris, Roy, trans.] London: Duckworth.
    • – 1976. Corso di linguistica generale. [Edited by Tullio De Mauro. 4th edition.] Universale Laterza 151. Rome, Bari: Laterza. [Italian]
    • – 1977. Kurs obschej lingvistiki. In: Trudy po yazykoznaniyu. Moscow: Progress. Соссюр, Ф. де. Курс общей лингвистики. In: Труды по языкознанию. Москва: Прогресс. [Russian]
    • – 1916. Cours de linguistique générale. (Bally, C.; Sechehaye, A.; Riedlinger, A. (eds.)) Paris: Payot. [French]

Roman Jakobson


    • Jakobson, Roman 1971[1959e]. On Linguistic Aspects of Translation. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language. Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 260-266.
    • – 1966[1959]. In: Brower, Reuben A. (ed.), On Translation. New York: Oxford University Press, 232–239.
    • – 2004[1959]. In: Venuti, Lawrence (ed.), The Translation Studies Reader. New York, London: Routledge, 138–143.
    • Jakobson, Roman 1981[1960d]. Linguistics and poetics. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings III: Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry. The Hague, Paris, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 18–51.
      [De Gruyter] [Google Books] [ESTER] [JJA] [DOI: 10.1515/9783110802122.18]
    • – 1960. Closing statement: Linguistics and poetics. In: Sebeok, Thomas (ed.), Style in Language. Cambridge: MIT Press, 350–377.
  1. Jakobson, Roman 1979[1938d]. Toward a description of Mácha’s verse. In: Rudy, Stephen; Taylor, Martha (eds.), Selected writings V: On Verse, Its Masters and Explorers. The Hague: Mouton, 433–485.
    [De Gruyter] [ESTER] [DOI: 10.1515/9783110803068.433]
    • Jakobson, Roman 1985[1977e]. A few remarks on Peirce, pathfinder in the science of language. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings VII. Contributions to Comparative Mythology. Studies in Linguistics and Philology, 1972–1982. Berlin: Mouton, 248–253.
    • – 1977. Modern Language Notes 92: 1026–1032.
      [JSTOR] [DOI: 10.2307/2906890]
  2. Jakobson, Roman 1971. Selected Writings II: Word and Language. (Rudy, Stephen, ed.) The Hague, Paris: Mouton.
  3. Jakobson, Roman 1971[1969c]. Linguistics in Relation to Other Sciences. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language. Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 655–696.
    [De Gruyter] [JJA1] [JJA2] [JJA3] [DOI: 10.1515/9783110873269.655]
    • Jakobson, Roman 1971[1957e]. Shifters, verbal categories and the Russian verb. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 130–147.
      [De Gruyter] [Internet Archive] [JJA1] [JJA2] [DOI: 10.1515/9783110873269.130]
    • – 1990. Shifters and verbal categories. In: Waugh, Linda R; Monville-Burston, Monique (eds.), On Language. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 386–392.

Jakob von Uexküll


    • Uexküll, Jakob von 1926[1920]. Theoretical Biology. [Translation by D. L. MacKinnon. International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method.] London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.
    • – 1920. Theoretische Biologie. Berlin: Julius Springer. [German]
    • Uexküll, Jakob von 1957[1934]. A Stroll through the World of Animals and Men. In: Schiller, Claire H. (ed.), Instinctive Behavior: The Development of a Modern Concept. New York: International University Press, 5-80.
    • – 2010. A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans: With a Theory of Meaning. [O’Neil, Joseph, D., trans.] Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
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Peeter Torop


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Thomas Sebeok


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Kalevi Kull


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John Deely


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Myrdene Anderson


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Dinda Gorlée


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Algirdas Greimas


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Amy Mandelker

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