FLSE.00.246 Methodology of the Humanities loeng 2013.10.08
We are mostly going to talk about pretext.
To my pleasant surprise this is the course on Roman Jakobson. I'm excited.
Actually look at the contents of Selected Writings.
That'll be nice to finally do. I've been putting it off for a long while because an opportunity hasn't presented itself. Now it did!
In the beginning he himself thought that it will be seven volumes. But when he died his wife and editor looked at what has not been included yet and decided that these sevel volumes should be complemented with three other volumes. And these are called "Completion Volumes". Two of these has been studied (1988, 2012).
Neat. She doesn't know what the last one (published last december) contains.
To be it seems that volume 2 and 7 are the most relevant for semioticians.
From the amount of citations to these volumes I'd guess so as well.
Verbal communication 81
Communication and society 98
Language and Culture 101
A Glance at the Development of Semiotics 199
My Favorite Topics 371
Titles I'd like to read from Volume 7.
Levi-Strauss attended the conference in 1952 where anthropologists and linguists met as-if for the first time.
So Jakobson might have been an influence for Levi-Strauss's structuralism.
...natural language and their interdependent connection with culture...
Sounds very much like something that was emphasized often at that time.
Visual and Auditory Signs 334
Linguistics and Communication Theory 570
I'd like to read this from volume 7.
Jakobson thought natural language and linguistic communication is the most exact means for conveying information. For Lotman, on the other hand, the artistic mork (or text) is the most condensed bearer of information.
Quite interesting. Verbal communication was "highest" in his hierarchy. Jakobson talked about hierarchies often, whether he was discussing the functions in his communication model or Peirce's semeiotics.
The code/message dichotomy is more applicable than any other dichotomy in the human sciences.
He basically borrowed this from information sciences. Also, this:
Ivanov's article was published in 1957. The same year, he issued his concise outline, Kod i soobščenie [Code and message] which paraphrases and ingeniously elaborates the first chapter of Jakobson's "Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Russian Verb," published earlier that year by the Slavic Department of Harvard University. Ivanov accepts Jakobson's far-reaching redefinition of Saussure's antinomy of la langue and la parole in terms of Information Theory and its concrete concepts of both message and the code, two interrelated vehicles of linguistic communication which at one and the same time may be utilized and referred to. Although Ivanov's paper appeared only in mimeographed form and only in a few copies, it exercised a profound impact on the revival of semiotics in the Soviet Union. It introduced the concept and terminology of "code-message" into Soviet scholarly usage and provided the basic framework for the interrelationship of linguistic and poetic studies and for approaching verbal art, indeed all the arts, as communicative systems imparting information.
Matejka, L.
et al. (ed.) 1977.
Readings in Soviet semiotics (Russian Texts). Edited, with a Foreword and Commentaries by L. Matejka, S. Shishkoff, M. E. Suino and I. R. Titunik. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications.
"There is no such thing as private property in language. Everything is socialized."
I think this is another case of "only error individualizes". He was purportedly arguing against the notion of idiolect.
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