

Understanding, Explanation, and Action

Pelc, Jerzy 1997. "Understanding, Explanation, and Action as Problems of Semiotics". In: R. Posner, K. Robering, and T.A. Sebeok, eds. Semiotics: A Handbook on the Sign-Theoretic Foundations of Nature and Culture. Vol. 1. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter. Pp. 644–667.
When interpreting some object I make it a sign of something different from it. (Pelc 1997: 647)
Analoogia: käitumist tõlgendades teen sellest intentsiooni märgi. Intentsioon on seotud eesmärgi mõistega (samas), mistõttu social action, ehk teistele isikutele suunatud/motiveeritud käitumine, on ühiskondlike eesmärkidega.
Functional analysis finds application in communication studies, since in communication the messages exchanged by communicating partners serve specific semantic and pragmatic functions, with the entire process being intentional, goal-oriented, and social in character. (Pelc 1997: 650)
Siin on kommunikatsiooni tingimusteks intentsioon, eesmärgile suunatus ja sotsiaalsus. Ei midagi jagatuse kohta.
Social systems are to some extent open, which means that the behaviors (especially human or animal actions) performed within the system interact with the system's enrivonment; there is also interaction among actions within the system itself. (Pelc 1997: 652)
Sotsiaalsüsteemide avatus on siin defineeritud. Tegevused süsteemi sees suhestuvad (interact), toimivad vastastikku) keskkonnaga kui ka teiste tegevustega süsteemis endas. Semiosfäär on avatud süsteem?
Among behaviors, especially those considered by psychologists, particular notice is given to those whose motives cannot be indicated or are indicated wrongly by the behaving or acting person who resorted to so-called "rationalization" and, for example, replacing a real censurable motive by one he or she sees as a fictitious noble motive; behaviors of this kind are sometimes referred to as "symptomatic". Distinct from them are instrumental actions in which the acting person correctly identifies his or her own motives, objectives and means. (Pelc 1997: 656)
Introspektsioon (vastandiks muuseas extraspection) ei ole usaldusväärne, sest subjekt võib oma intentsioone ratsionaliseerida.
Semiotic terminology features the expression "sign process", denoting the structuring, interpretation and comprehension of signs. The term "process", taken over from praxiology and action theory, reflects the pragmatic and active character of semiosis. (Pelc 1997: 659)
"Märgiprotsess" tähistab märkide struktureerimist, tõlgendamist ja hoomamist.
Agonology, or the theory of struggle, broadly understood as all kinds of negative cooperation (including competition) has applications in eristics - the art of conducting arguments, and discussions in particular - and also in the theory of argumentation, understood as rational persuasion with verbal deception and evasive argumentation, and in rhetoric as the theory of beautiful, ornate and captivating speech. (Pelc 1996: 661)
#offending võib olla klassifitseeritud kui agonolocial remarks.
...actions may be autotetic, with the objective being the very performance of the action (e.g., play), and heterotetic, leading to a goal other than the action itself. (Pelc 1997: 660)


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