

Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior

Fishbein, Martin & Ajzen, Icek 1975. Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. Reading: Addison-Wesley.
...concepts such as attitude, attraction, attribution of dispositions, liking, and behavioral intentions have been used to account for a wide variety of interpersonal attitudes. (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975: 1)
Need on põhimõisted, mis koondatakse "suhtumise" alla. Selline mõistete-segadus on ka üks selle teose motiive.
...nonverbal behaviors have also been used to measure attitude. Various physiological measures, such as galvanic skin response, palmas weating, pupillary dilationa nd contraction, and heart rate, have been employed. Over behaviors as measures of attitude have included chhoice between alternatives; various learning, recall, and recognition tasks; eye contact; and physical distance. (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975: 3)
Suhtumise mõõtmiseks kasutatud modaalsused.
...such labels as opinion, satisfaction, prejudice, intention, value, belief, etc., have sometimes been applied to clear measures of evaluation. The result has been to confound the distinctions between attitude and other concepts. (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975: 11)
Hinnang on samamoodi laialivalgunud mõiste, mida sj suhtumisega segi aetakse.
One distinction that has been repeatedly proposed is the age-old triology of affect, cognition, and conation [tegevuse algatamine, püüdlemine]. Affect refers to a person's feelings toward and evaluation of some object, person, issue, or event; cognition denotes his knowledge, opinions, beliefs, and thoughts about the object; and conation refers to his behavioral intentions and his actions with respect to or in the presence of the object. Since, when dealing with attitudes, we are concerned with predispositions to behave rather than with behavior itself, it seems desirable to make a distinction between behavioral intention and actual behavior. This suggests a classification consisting of four broad categories: affect (feelings, evaluations), cognition (opinions, beliefs), conation (behavioral intentions), and behavior (observed overt acts). Although many attitude theoriest appear to agree with such a classification, they seldom make use of it in their research. (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975: 11-12)
Püüdlus käituda (intentsioon) ja tegelik käitumine (jälgitav, overt, kehaline tegevus) on siin eristatud. Tuleb küsida, kas need sobivad paralleeli vastandusega concept - sound-image. Üks eeldab ja eelneb teisele, nii palju on kindel.
The terms dissonance, consonance, and irrelevance are used to describe three kinds of relations that may exist between any two cognitive elements. (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975: 39)
Dissonants on saanud nii popiks sõnaks akadeemikute hulgas, aga irrelevants kõlab ka hästi. Mis ühes tekitab dissonants ja teises konsonantsi, tekitab kolmandas irrelevantsi. Jap, hästi.
A person who observes the behavior of an actor can usually find many alternative explanations to account for the behavior; that is, he can attribute the observed behavior to different causal factors. Consider, for example, an actress who laughs at her husband's joke. In an attempt to explain this behavior, an observer might consider several hypotheses, such as: the joke is funny; the actress wants to please her husband; the husband knows how to tell jokes, etc. Unlike the poker-chip guessing task in a typical Bayesian experiment, the attribution situation involves a variety of possible hypothesis that need not be mutually exclusive. For each hypothesis the observer must determine how likely it is that the behavior in question would have been produced by, or could have been attributed to, the hypothesized causal factor. (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975: 188)
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