

Bronisław Malinowski

  1. Malinowski, Bronisław 1911a. Review of Kwartalink Etnografioncy Lud. Tom. XVI., zesryt I. Lwów, 1910. Folklore 22(3): 382-385.
  2. Malinowski, Bronisław 1911b. Review of La Race Slave by Lubar Niedrle and Louis Léger. Paris: F. Alcan, 1911. Man 11: 64.
  3. Malinowski, Bronisław 1912. Review of Grundlinien einer Vergleichung der Religionen und Mythologien der Austronesischen Völker by Von. P. W. Schmidt. In Denkschriften d. K. Akademie d. Wissenschaften in Wien, 1910. Folklore 23(1): 141-143.
  4. Malinowski, Bronisław 1913c. Review of Across Australia by Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen. 2 vols. Macmillan, 1912. Folklore 24(2): 278-279.
  5. Malinowski, Bronisław 1916. Baloma; The Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 46: 353-430.
  6. Malinowski, Bronisław 1918. Fishing in the Trobriand Islands. Man 18: 87-92.
  7. Malinowski, Bronisław 1920a. Classificatory Particles in the Language of Kiriwina. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London 1(4): 33-78.
  8. Malinowski, Bronisław 1920b. Kula; the Circulating Exchange of Valuables in the Archipelagoes of Eastern New Guinea. Man 20: 97-105.
  9. Malinowski, Bronisław 1920c. War and Weapons Among the Natives of the Trobriand Islands. Man 20: 10-12.
  10. Malinowski, Bronisław 1921a. The Primitive Economics of the Trobriand Islanders. The Economic Journal 31(121): 1-16.
  11. Malinowski, Bronisław 1921b. Review of The Group Mind by William McDougall. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Man 21: 106-109.
  12. Malinowski, Bronisław 1922b. Ethnology and the Study of Society. Economica 6: 208-219.
  13. Malinowski, Bronisław 1993[1904/05]. Observations on Friedrich Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy. In: Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník (eds.), The Early Writings of Bronisław Malinowski. Translated by Ludwik Krzyżanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 67-88.
  14. Malinowski, Bronisław 1993[1906]. On the principle of the economy of thought. In: Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník (eds.), The Early Writings of Bronisław Malinowski. Translated by Ludwik Krzyżanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 89-116.
  15. Malinowski, Bronisław 1993[1910]. Religion and magic: The Golden Bough. In: Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník (eds.), The Early Writings of Bronisław Malinowski. Translated by Ludwik Krzyżanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 117-122.
  16. Malinowski, Bronisław 1993[1911-1913]. Totemism and exogamy. In: Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník (eds.), The Early Writings of Bronisław Malinowski. Translated by Ludwik Krzyżanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 123-199.
  17. Malinowski, Bronisław 1993[1912a]. Tribal male associations in Australia. In: Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník (eds.), The Early Writings of Bronisław Malinowski. Translated by Ludwik Krzyżanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 201-208.
  18. Malinowski, Bronisław 1993[1912b]. The economic aspects of the intichiuma ceremonies. In: Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník (eds.), The Early Writings of Bronisław Malinowski. Translated by Ludwik Krzyżanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 209-227.
  19. Malinowski, Bronisław 1993[1913c]. The relationship of primitive beliefs to the forms of social organization. In: Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník (eds.), The Early Writings of Bronisław Malinowski. Translated by Ludwik Krzyżanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 229-242.
  20. Malinowski, Bronisław 1993[1914]. A fundamental problem of religious sociology. In: Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník (eds.), The Early Writings of Bronisław Malinowski. Translated by Ludwik Krzyżanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 243-246.
  21. Malinowski, Bronisław 1993[1913-14]. Sociology of the family. In: Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník (eds.), The Early Writings of Bronisław Malinowski. Translated by Ludwik Krzyżanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 247-267.
  22. Malinowski, Boris [sic] 1920. Spirit Children. In: Hastings, James (ed.), Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics. Volume XI. New York: Scribner's Sons, 803-805.
  23. Malinowski, Bronisław 1942. A New Instrument for the Interpretation of Law - Especially Primitive. The Yale Law Journal 51(8): 1237-1254.
  24. Malinowski, Bronisław 1941. Man's Culture and Man's Behavior. Sigma Xi Quarterly 29(3): 182-196.
  25. Malinowski, Bronisław Kasper 1922a. Argonauts of the Western Pacific: An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd.
  26. Malinowski, Bronisław Kasper 1913b. Review of Les Formes Élémentaires de la Vie Religieuse by Émile Durkheim. Folklore 24(4): 525-531.
  27. Malinowski, Bronisław Kasper 1913a. The Family Among the Australian Aborigines: A Sociological Study. London: University of London Press.
  28. Malinowski, Bronisław Kasper 1923. The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages. In: Ogden, Charles Kay and Ivor Armstrong Richards, The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 293-336.
  29. Malinowski, Bronisław 1946[1923]. The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages. In: Ogden, C. K. & I. A. Richards, The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism. Eighth edition. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 296-336.
  30. Malinowski, B. 1972. Phatic Communication. In: Laver, John and Sandy Hutcheson (eds.), Communication in Face to Face Interaction: Selected Readings. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 146-152.


  1. Fox, Robert Bradford 1944. Bronisław Malinowski: A Critical Analysis. Masters Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas.
  2. Senft, Gunter 2009. Phatic Communion. In: Senft, Gunter; Jan Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), Culture and Language Use: Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 226-233.
  3. Krzyżanowski, Ludwik 1959. A Postscript to "Bronisław Malinowski: An Intellectual Profile". The Polish Review 4(1/2): 156-157.
  4. Wallace, Anthony F. C. and Raymond D. Fogelson 1961. Culture and Personality. Biennial Review of Anthropology 2: 42-78.
  5. Webster, Steven 1982. Dialogue and Fiction in Ethnography. Dialectical Anthropology 7(2): 91-114.
  6. Homans, George C. 1982. The Present State of Sociological Theory. The Sociological Quarterly 23(3): 285-299.
  7. Kluckhohn, Clyde 1943. Bronisław Malinowski 1884-1942. The Journal of American Folklore 56(221): 208-219.
  8. Gregg, Dorothy and Elgin Williams 1948. The Dismal Science of Functionalism. American Anthropologist 50(4): 594-611.
  9. Kluckhohn, Clyde 1961. Notes on Some Anthropological Aspects of Communication. American Anthropologist 63(5): 895-910.
  10. Ben-Amos, Dan 1993. "Context" in Context. Western Folklore 52(2/4): 209-226.
  11. Lutkehaus, Nancy Christine 1989. The Use of Another Ethnographer's Field-Notes: Camille Wedgwood's Manam Island Research. Anthropology Today 5(6): 9-12.
  12. Goldsmith, Michael 1988. Malinowski and Gardiner: The Egyptian Connection. History of Anthropology Newsletter 15(1): 5-11.
  13. Nerlich, Brigitte 1988. Philipp Wegener's (1848-1916) Theory of Language and Communication. Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas Bulletin 11(1): 11-13.
  14. Urry, James 1985. W. E. Armstrong and Social Anthropology at Cambridge 1922-1926. Man 20(3): 412-433.
  15. Wright, William Kelley 1921. McDougall's Social Psychology in the Light of Recent Discussion. The Journal of Philosophy 18(6): 141-152.
  16. Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník 1993. Introduction: Malinowski's Reading, Writing, 1904-1914. In: Thornton, Robert J. and Peter Skalník (eds.), The Early Writings of Bronisław Malinowski. Translated by Ludwik Krzyżanowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  17. Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. 1946. A Note on Functional Anthropology. Man 46: 38-41.
  18. Montagu, Ashley M. F. 1942. Brinoslaw Malinowski (1884-1942). Isis 34(2): 146-150.
  19. Wax, Murray L. 1972. Tenting with Malinowski. American Sociological Review 37(1): 1-13.
  20. Paluch, Andrzej K. 1981. The Polish Background to Malinowski's Work. Man 16(2): 276-285.
  21. Payne, Harry C. 1981. Malinowski's Style. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 125(6): 416-440
  22. Conrad, Joseph 1914. Preface. The Nigger of the 'Narcissus'. New YorK: Doubleday & Company, Inc.
  23. Darnell, Regna 1977. History of Anthropology in Historical Perspective. Annual Review of Anthropology 6: 399-417.
  24. Gellner, Ernest 1985. Malinowski Go Home: Reflections on the Malinowski Centenary Conferences. Anthropology Today 1(5): 5-7.
  25. Thornton, Robert J. 1985. 'Imagine Yourself Set Down...': Mach, Frazer, Conrad, Malinowski and the Role of Imagination in Ethnography. Anthropology Today 1(5): 7-14.
  26. Lee, Dorothy Demetracopolous 1940. A Primitive System of Values. Philosophy of Science 7(3): 355-378.
  27. Lee, Dorothy Demetracopolous 1950. Lineal and Nonlineal Codifications of Reality. Psychosomatic Medicine 12(2): 89-97.
  28. Cohen, Morris R. 1923. Introduction. In: Peirce, Charles S. Chance, Love and Logic: Philosophical Essays. London: Kegan Paul, i-xxxiii.
  29. Murdock, George Peter 1942. Bronisław Malinowksi. The Yale Law Journal 51(8): 1235-1236.
  30. Richards, Audrey I. 1943. Bronisław Kaspar Malinowski. Man 43: 1-4.
  31. Gluckman, Max 1947. Malinowski's 'Functional' Analysis of Social Change. Africa: Journal of the International African Institute 17(2): 103-121.
  32. Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. 1949. Functionalism: A Protest. American Anthropologist 51(2): 320-323.
  33. Goldstein, Leon J. 1957. The Logic of Explanation in Malinowskian Anthropology. Philosophy of Science 24(2): 156-166.
  34. Kimpel, Ben 1968. The Contradictory Aspect of Malinowski's Analyses of Religious Rites. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 7(2): 259-271.
  35. El-Shamy, Hasan M. 1974. On Darwinian Psychological Anthropology. Current Anthropology 15(1): 90-92.
  36. Hsu, Francis L. K. 1977. Role, Affect, and Anthropology. American Anthropologist 79(4): 805-808.
  37. Hsu, Francis L. K. 1979. The Cultural Problem of the Cultural Anthropologist. American Anthropologist 81(3): 517-532.
  38. Symmons-Symonolewicz, Konstantin 1958. Bronisław Malinowski: An Intellectual Profile. The Polish Review 3(4): 55-76.
  39. Symmons-Symonolewicz, Konstantin 1959. Bronisław Malinowski: Formative Influences and Theoretical Evolution. The Polish Review 4(4): 17-45.
  40. Symmons-Symonolewicz, Konstantin 1960a. Bronisław Malinowski: Individuality as a Theorist. The Polish Review 5(1): 53-65.
  41. Symmons-Symonolewicz, Konsantin 1960b. The Origin of Malinowski's Theory of Magic. The Polish Review 5(4): 36-44.
  42. Haberland, Hartmut 1996. Communion or Communication: A historical note on one of the "founding fathers" of pragmatics. In: Sackmann, Robin and Monika Budde (eds.), Theoretical Linguistics and Grammatical Description: Papers in Honour of Hans-Heinrich Lieb on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Asterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 163-166.
  43. Haberland, Hartmut 1984. A Field Manual for Readers of "The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages" by Bronisław Malinowski. ROLIG-papir 31: 17-51.
  44. Goldstein, Leon J. 1957. The Logic of Explanation in Malinowskian Anthropology. Philosophy of Science 24(2): 156-166.
  45. Rex, John 1959. The Plural Society in Sociological Theory. The British Journal of Sociology 10(2): 114-124.
  46. Lounsbury, F. G. 1965. Another View of the Trobriand Kinship Categories. American Anthropologist 67(5): 142-185.
  47. Sahlins, Marshall D. 1963. Poor Man, Rich Man, Big-Man, Chief: Political Types in Melanesia and Polynesia. Comparative Studies in Society and History 5(3): 285-303.
  48. Goody, Jack and Ian Watt 1963. The Consequences of Literacy. Comparative Studies in Society and History 5(3): 304-345.
  49. Peel, J. D. Y. 1968. Syncretism and Religious Change. Comparative Studies in Society and History 10(2): 121-141.
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  51. Coe, Michael D. 1961. Social Typology and the Tropical Forest Civilizations. Comparative Studies in Society and History 4(1): 65-85.
  52. Porter, John 1955. Elite Groups: A Scheme for the Study of Power in Canada. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 21(4): 498-512.
  53. Hexter, J. H. 1968. The English Aristocracy, Its Crises, and the English Revolution, 1558-1660. Journal of British Studies 8(1): 22-78.
  54. Clark, S. D. 1959. Sociology, History, and the Problem of Social Change. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 25(4): 389-400.
  55. MacGaffey, Wyatt 1968. Kongo and the King of the Americans. The Journal of Modern African Studies 6(2): 171-181.
  56. McCormack, Thelma 1961. Social Theory and the Mass Media. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 27(4): 470-489.
  57. Tignor, Robert L. 1966. African History: The Contribution of the Social Sciences. The Journal of Modern African Studies 4(3): 349-357.
  58. Bradley, J. F. N. 1968. The Russian Secret Service in the First World War. Soviet Studies 20(2): 242-248.
  59. Ola, Opeyemi 1968. The Study of West African Local Government. The Journal of Modern African Studies 6(2): 233-248.
  60. Drake, St. Clair 1957. Some Observations on Interethnic Conflict as One Type of Intergroup Conflict. Conflict Resolution 1(2): 155-178.
  61. Irele, Abiola 1965. Négritude or Black Cultural Nationalism. The Journal of Modern African Studies 3(3): 321-348.

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