

Augustine On Lying

Gramigna, Remo 2011. Augustine On Lying: A Semiotic Analysis. University of Tartu, Department of Semiotics. Master's Thesis
"a false signification uttered with the intention to deceive" (Gramigna 2011: 6)
Augustinuse valetamisteooria põhiklausel.
When we undertake to deceive others intentionally, we communicate messages meant to mislead them, meant to make them believe what we ourselves do not believe. We can do so through gesture, through disguise, by means of actions or inaction, even through silence. Which of these innumerable deceptive messages are also lies? (Bok, Sissela 1978 [1999]. Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life. New York: Vintage Books: 13-14)
To wit, in the case of lying, the liar first knows the truth and only after is he able to fake it. He knows more than the dupe. Indeed, the liar's cognitive condition is determined by the fact that he can count on a full account of what is falsity and truth for himself, whereas the dupe has access only to half of it. (Gramigna 2011: 30)
Meelitaja teab minu MVKst rohkem kui mina.
He lies [...] who holds one opinion in his mind and who gives expression to another through words or any other outward manifestation. (De mend. 3.3)
Notably, 'true' and 'false' in this context refer to the liar's state of mind, namely what the liar believes or thinks to be true or false. To put it another way, these terms do not refer to an ontological conception of truth as correctness or correspondence between what is said and things in the world. Rather, they refer to a pragmatic conception on truth that is based on what the liar takes to be true, regardless of the adequacy of comprehension and the thing. (Gramigna 2011: 33)
Sincerity is a quality of the self [...] It designates a relationship of congruence or harmony between different parts, aspects or manifestations of the self. These includes not only thoughts, feelings and emotions, but also the awareness - or lack of it - that the subject has of them. [...] Sincerity is the commendable disposition to match what we express to what we feel (Stern-Giller, Suzanne 2008. "Augustine and the philosophical foundations of sincerity". Philosophy: Book Chapters, Paper 2: 1-26: 3-4)
...God has the capacity to scrutinize men's interiority (Gramigna 2011: 38)
This ingredient, the assuming of responsibility, which is so prominent in solemn assertion, must be present in every genuine assertion (Peirce, In Chisholm, Roderick M.; Feehan, Thomas D. 1977. "The intent to deceive." The Journal of Philosophy 74(3). Pp. 143-159: 150-151)
MVS alateadvus, automaatsus.

[esimene lugemine]


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