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2020.12 2020.11 2020.10 2020.09 2020.08 2020.07 2020.06 2020.05 2020.04 2018.02 2019.11 2019.03 2019.02 2018.09 2018.08 Petrilli, Susan and Augusto Ponzio 2008. A Tribute to Thomas A. Sebeok. Biosemiotics 1(1): 25-39. Brandt, Per Aage 2007. On Consciousness and Semiosis. Cognitive Semiotics 1: 46-64. Ekman, Paul and Wallace V. Friesen 1969. The Repertoire of Nonverbal Behavior: Categories, Origins, Usage, and Coding. Semiotica 1(1): 49-98. Danesi, Marcel 1998. The "dimensionality principle" and semiotic analysis. Sign Systems Studies 26: 42-60. Waller, Sara 2007. Dolphin Signature Rhythms and the Non-Cacophonous Coyote: Rhythm, cognition and the animal umwelt. Cognitive Semiotics 1: 102-110. Østergaard, Svend 2007. The Dynamics of Interaction and Consciousness. Cognitive Semiotics 1: 111-122. Potter, Vincent G. 1966. Peirce's Analysis of Normative Science. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 2(1): 5-32. Katz, Gregory 2008. The Hypothesis of a Genetic Protolanguage: an Epistemological Investigation. Biosemiotics 1(1): 57-73. Brandt, Line 2008. Literary Studies in the Age of Cognitive Science. Cognitive Semiotics 2: 6-40. 2018.05 Jakobson, Roman 1957b. Notes on Gilyak. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 71-97. Jakobson, Roman 1949g. The Phonemic and Grammatical Aspects of Language in their Interrelations. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 103-114. Jakobson, Roman 1949f. Comparative Slavic Grammar. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 115-118. Jakobson, Roman 1948a. Russian Conjugation. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 119-129. Jakobson, Roman 1957e. Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Russian Verb. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 130-147. Jakobson, Roman 1957d. The Relationship between Genitive and Plural in the Declension of Russian Nouns. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 148-153. Jakobson, Roman 1960b. The Gender Pattern of Russian. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 184-186. Jakobson, Roman 1962d. On the Rumanian Neuter. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 187-189. Jakobson, Roman 1966b. Relationship between Russian Stem Suffixes and Verbal Aspects. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 198-202. Jakobson, Roman 1953e. Pattern in Linguistics (Contribution to Debates with Anthropologists). In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 223-228. Jakobson, Roman 1955a. Aphasia as a Linguistic Topic. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 229-238. Jakobson, Roman 1956a. Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Aphasic Disturbances. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 239-259. Jakobson, Roman 1959e. On Linguistic Aspects of Translation. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 260-266. Jakobson, Roman 1959d. Linguistic Glosses to Goldstein's "Wortbegriff". In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 267-271. Jakobson, Roman 1963e. Parts and Wholes in Language. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 280-284. Jakobson, Roman 1962f. Anthony's Contribution to Linguistic Theory. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 285-288. Jakobson, Roman 1964b. Toward a Linguistic Classification of Aphasic Impairments. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 289-306. Jakobson, Roman 1966e. Linguistic Types of Aphasia. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 307-333. Jakobson, Roman 1964c. Visual and Auditory Signs. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 334-337. Jakobson, Roman 1967b. On the Relation between Visual and Auditory Signs. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 338-344. Jakobson, Roman 1966d. Quest for the Essence of Language. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 345-359. Jakobson, Roman 1956c. One of the Speculative Anticipations: An Old Russian Treatise on the Divine and Human Word. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 369-374. Jakobson, Roman 1960c. The Kazan' School of Polish Linguistics and its Place in the International Development of Phonology. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 394-428. Jakobson, Roman 1943a. Polish-Russian Cooperation in the Science of Language. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 451-455. Jakobson, Roman 1966e. Henry Sweet's Path Toward Phonemics. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 456-467. Jakobson, Roman 1944a. Franz Boas' Approach to Language. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 477-488. Jakobson, Roman 1959e. Boas' View of Grammatical Meaning. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 489-496. Jakobson, Roman 1956d. Sergej Karcevskij: August 28, 1884 - November 7, 1955. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 517-521. Jakobson, Roman 1963d. Efforts Towards a Means-Ends Model of Language in Interwar Continental Linguistics. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 522-526. Jakobson, Roman 1965d. An Example of Migratory Terms and Institutional Models (On the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Moscow Linguistic Circle). In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 527-538. Jakobson, Roman 1953d. Results of a Joint Conference of Anthropologists and Linguists. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 554-567. Jakobson, Roman 1961a. Introduction to the Symposium on the Structure of Language and Its Mathematical Aspects. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 568-569. Jakobson, Roman 1961b. Linguistics and Communication Theory. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 570-579. Jakobson, Roman 1963e. Implications of Language Universals for Linguistics. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 580-592. Jakobson, Roman 1964d. Results of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 593-602. Jakobson, Roman 1953e. Vestiges of the Earliest Russian Vernacular. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 611-619. Jakobson, Roman 1959f. While Reading Vasmer's Dictionary. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 620-649. Jakobson, Roman 1970b. Tempus ← Rotatio → Adulterium. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 650-652. Jakobson, Roman 1969c. Linguistics in Relation to Other Sciences. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 655-696. Jakobson, Roman 1970d. Language in Relation to Other Communication Systems. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 697-708. Jakobson, Roman 1971d. Retrospect. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings II: Word and Language . Second edition. The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 711-724. 2018.04 Jakobson, Roman 1928a. The Concept of the Sound Law and the Teleological Criterion. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 1-2. Jakobson, Roman 1931d. Phonemic Notes on Standard Slovak. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 221-230. Jakobson, Roman 1932a. Phoneme and Phonology. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 231-233. Jakobson, Roman 1937c. On Ancient Greek Prosody. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 262-271. Jakobson, Roman 1949f. Comparative Slavic Phonology. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 413-417. Jakobson, Roman 1949d. On the Identification of Phonemic Entities. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 418-425. Jakobson, Roman and John Lotz 1949e. Notes on the French Phonemic Pattern. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 426-434. Jakobson, Roman 1951a. For the Correct Presentation of Phonemic Problems. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 435-442. Jakobson, Roman 1952a. On Slavic Diphthongs Ending in a Liquid. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 443-448. Jakobson, Roman; E. Colin Cherry and Morris Halle 1953b. Toward the Logical Description of Languages in their Phonemic Aspect. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 449-463. Jakobson, Roman and Morris Halle 1956a. Phonology and Phonetics. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 464-504. Jakobson, Roman 1957a. Mufaxxama: the 'Emphatic' Phonemes in Arabic. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 510-522. Jakobson, Roman 1958a. Typological Studies and their Contribution to Historical Comparative Linguistics. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 523-532. Jakobson, Roman 1959a. A New Outline of Russian Phonology. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 533-537. Jakobson, Roman 1960a. Why "Mama" and "Papa"?. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 438-545. Jakobson, Roman and Morris Halle 1962b. Tenseness and Laxness. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 550-555. Jakobson, Roman 1926a. Contributions to the Study of Czech Accent. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 614-625. Jakobson, Roman 1928c. On the Elimination of Long Consonants in Czech. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 626-628. Jakobson, Roman 1962c. Retrospect. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 629-659. Jakobson, Roman and Morris Halle 1959b. Note on the Tonality Features of Roumanian Consonantal Phonemes. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 661-663. Jakobson, Roman 1963b. A Phonemic Approach to the Structure and Evolution of the Common Slavic Prosodic Pattern. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 687-689. Jakobson, Roman 1964a. The Prosodic Questions of Slavic Historical Phonology Restated. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 690-692. Jakobson, Roman 1965a. Information and Redundancy in the Common Slavic Prosodic Pattern. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 693-699. Jakobson, Roman 1966a. The Role of Phonic Elements in Speech Perception. In: Rudy, Stephen (ed.), Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies . Second edition. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 706-717. Jakobson, Roman 1968a. Extrapulmonic Consonants: Ejectives, Implosives, Clicks. 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