

Winning Body Language

Mark Bowden - Winning Body Language: Control the Conversation, Command Attention, and Convey the Right Message - without Saying a Word. McGraw-Hill, 2010. 257 lk

Esmakordne lugemine

Selle raamatu teistkordsel lugemisel märkasin juba eesõnas ja sissejuhatuses veenmist (persuasion) selle raamatu autori taseme ja raamatu sisukuse suhtes. See, et autorit tema enda sõnul seltskonnas austatakse, ei oma ju raamatu seisukohalt suuremat kaalu. Veenmiseks pean ka sissejuhatuses kasutatud retoorikat: "kui sa töötad firmas mis on nii ja nii edukas, siis see raamat ei ole sinu jaoks". Sellistes firmades töötab parimal juhul komakohtadega protsent elanikkonnast, kas ülejäänud 99.x % Maa inimestest peaks seda raamatut siis lugema?
As we physically and mentally advanced, our communication moved forward to include a fuller vocabulary of symbols and words. Small human groups or tribes could now look further afield, not only geographically in space but imaginatively in time, by laying down plans for the future, accounting for the past, negotiating the coalition of territories, or winning over the terrain through ever more elaborate strategies of agression.
It is the simple signs, sounds, signals, pictures, hieroglyphs, words, publications, and broadcasts disseminated across all channels and media, throughout time and space, that have revolutionized and advanced our world and our understanding within it. With our various sophisticated forms of communication, humankind has evolved into the major intelligent biological force on this planet.
TruthPlane on autori sõnul gestural system mis aitab omistada veenva ja mõjusa vocabulary of gesture.
Kommunikatsiooni definitsioon on siin "a source transmitting a message to a receiver in order to ahieve an intended result." Ja muidugi tundub siin, nagu ka mitmes teises kehakeelealases tükis, kommunikatsiooni intended result olevat manipulation of belief või ühe sõnaga pesuasion. Selgituses lisab ta ka mõisted channel, intent ja feedback, aga mida ta ei maini (ja mis minu arvates on problemaatiline), on müra. Noise on Shannon-Weaveri kommunikatsioonimudeli olulisim komponent, aga Bowden kasutab hoopis Harold Lasswelli kommunikatsioonimudelit: "Who (says) What (to) Whom (in) What Channel (with) What Effect." Shannoni mudelit mainib ta sõnumi mõistmisel ja toob sõnumi korrumpeerumisest välja sellised elemendid nagu generalization, deletion ja distortion. Kehakeelealaseid näiteid ta kahjuks ei too.
Huvitav mõiste: "cataplexy - a muscular weakness brought on by strong emotion". Soovitatav kirjandus:
George Lakoff - Moral Politics (2002)
Moshe Feldenkrais - Awareness through Movement (1972)
Brian Bates - Way of the Actor
Eugenio Barba - The Secret Art of the Performer
Paul Ekman - What the Face Reveals (1997)
Robert Ardrey - The Territorial Imperative
Raamatu sõnumit on tegelikult võimalik kokku võtta ühe sõnaga: "hinga". Aga see on kirjutatud veenval moel, mis sealjuures (apelsinide ja õunade võrdlemise osas) kasutab NLP modelleerimist. Pole väga väär öelda, et see raamat on mingil määral "hüpnotiseeriv" - rahulikust sügavast hingamisest lugemine paneb lugejat rahulikult ja sügavalt hingama ja raamatu lugemine muutub selle võrra kergemaks. Also, paneb lugejale pähe mõtte jalutada raamatupoodi, et tellida pitsat. "Truth Fearts No Question" tuleks meelde jätta religiooniteemalisteks diskussioonideks.
Now shift your hands up to your chest height and notice the difference. What has happened to your breathing rate now? Into which part of your lungs are you now predominantly bringing oxygen? You will have noticed that when you set your hands in the chest area, and specifically the horizontal plane of gesture that comes out from just a couple of inches above the sternum (the center and bottom of the rib cage, at exactly the level at which you can best feel your heartbeat), your breathing rate quickly increases and you breathe more into your chest than into your belly. Some of you may have already noticed an increase in your heart or pulse rate that automatically goes along with this.
It seems that gesturing with your hands at chest level automatically increases your breathing rate and heart rate and produces a slightly shallower style of breathing. And you will also notice that it quickly creates way more energy than an edge of excitement in you.
Raamat on sealjuures nii uus, et selles on mainitud ka Dr. Cal Lightmani tegelaskuju teleseriaalis Lie to Me. Esmalugemisel ei pidanud seda kasulikuks informatsiooni, kuna siis ei olnud ma veel nii palju kohanud Paul Ekmani nime ega lugenud ühtegi tema teost (nüüdseks olen lugenud kahte). Ekmani tööga seoses ütleb Bowden, et 52 näolihast moodustavad umbkaudu 5000 näoilmet.
The law of attraction is the philosophy that people's own thoughts (both conscious and especially unconscious) dictate the reality of their lives, wether or not they're even aware of it. So, essentially, the law of attraction says that if you really want something and you truly believe it's possible, you'll get it by directing your attention toward it. And if this is to be believed, then by the logic of the law of attraction, giving a lot of attention and thought to something that you don't want means that you'll get that, too!
YesState sõnad, mida annab eesti keelde tõlkida: jah / olgu / hea / nõustun / täpselt / kindlasti / tõsi / täielikult / alati / igal juhul / räägi mulle rohkem / sul on õigus / muidugi / absoluutselt.
Sain siit teada, et Edward Halli ruumijaotus ilmus ajakirja American Anthropologist artiklis "A System for the Notation of Prexemic Behavior". Ühest uurimustööst tean sinna järele kirjutada ka numbrid "1963, 65, 1003-1026".
You have the opportunity to become an artist - a poet with your nonverbal communication, and affect those around you purposefully, elegantly, and with the potential for great returns. However, this work is only for the brave and the bold. Remember the words of British author George Orwell, whose intense opposition to totalitarianism and passion for clarity in language led him to say, "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."


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